

A non-invasive care and research tool for children receiving hospital treatment for life threatening illnesses or going through Palliative care.

We are driven by a very real need to help these children

The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that there are up to 10 million children worldwide who need long-term care, but the actual number is likely much higher.

There is a growing demand for non-invasive pain remediation for children. However, little to no direct research exists. We aim to prove the commonly held views that non-invasive care can lower patient risk and reduce hospital time.

A physical friend for your journey

A comforting and interactive Buddy to go through the child’s treatment journey

A ‘buddy’ the child can talk to, keep a diary with, connect with and ask questions.

Creating Powerful Change For Millions Of Children Undergoing Clinical Treatment Now, and In Years To Come

The Wonderward Project is a two-pronged programme: Helping children NOW and in the FUTURE. It gives the children comfort today, whilst gathering relevant data - via guardian consent - to help the children who will sadly face the same illnesses and  hospitalisation in the future. The project will also help the medical staff manage the hospital wards on which the children reside, as the individuals will be calmer and more positive.

Generally speaking, children who are scared and anxious can be uncommunicative, guarded, irritable and demanding. The Buddy product aims to break down these walls by providing a ‘peer’ to communicate with, amongst the sea of ‘grown up medics’ that surround them.

The questions asked, and conversation that is instigated with the buddy can provide invaluable information and highlight commonalities within the feelings of these children which can be collected to preempt and tackle these emotions to better the mental health of hospitalised children in the future, whilst humanising their experience.

“We are honoured to bring The Wonderward Project to clinical trials so we can begin our journey to help better the mental wellbeing of our young community through these difficult and painful days of ill health.”

Craig Wildman - CEO & Founder of The Wonderward Project